Public lands, privacy, and affordability for all.

Putting My Experience
to Work
Hi neighbors. I’m Becky Edwards, a farm kid turned 26-year resident of Bozeman. I’m also a working mom of three amazing daughters, a local small-business owner, and an executive director of a national conservation organization.
I’m running for HD61, and my campaign might look a little different. I’m not retired, not independently wealthy, and I’m not quitting my career or my family as I embark on this adventure. Why take on this challenge as a busy mom? Because our vital voices are largely missing from the state legislature.
I’m one of you. Our family struggles with affordability issues in Bozeman and state-wide. I stay awake at night worried that my teenage daughters won’t be able to obtain quality public education or safe healthcare of their choosing. And I’ve made a career of protecting our cherished, shared, public lands and climate.
Whether at your front door, at a community event, or in the grocery store check-out line, I look forward to connecting with you. I’d love to know what keeps YOU up at night. What makes living in Bozeman so special? What issues are important to you? What does your family struggle with?
This hard-working, tenacious, and courageous mama would be incredibly honored to represent the thoughtful citizens of HD61 in the state legislature. Please support my campaign by donating. Let’s put more working moms at the table where decisions are being made…together.